The company’s team building activities

Recently, the company held a wonderful team building activity, creating a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere for employees, increasing mutual communication and strengthening team cohesion. The theme of this group building activity is "adhere to health, stimulate vitality", which aims to promote employees to adhere to health in their careers and give full play to professional vitality.
The team building activity began with a speech by the general manager, who stressed the importance of team building to improve the cohesion of the staff and stimulate the work vitality, but also affirmed the contribution of the staff who participated in the team building activity, and encouraged everyone to continue to maintain a good work attitude in the future work. First of all, the experts introduced the importance of a healthy diet, and introduced a reasonable diet, telling everyone to try to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, as little as possible to eat greasy, high-sugar and high-salt food, in order to maintain good health.

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Then, we divided into groups and held an enthusiastic fitness competition. The employees actively participated in the fierce competition and applauded and congratulated the winners of the competition, which fully stimulated the morale of the team. Finally, the employees at the meeting shared their work projects and life experiences, exchanged their feelings and thoughts on work and life, and through sharing and communication with each other, It has established a closer team spirit and strengthened the feelings between each other
This group building activity was welcomed and recognized by the employees, everyone fully experienced the importance of the group building, but also let the employees deeply understand the importance of health, many employees actively participate in the harvest of different growth, for the personal development of employees have added new impetus. In the future, the company will continue to hold more team building activities to promote the individual development and team cohesion of employees in a more effective way, contribute to the sustainable development of the enterprise and achieve common development goals.

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Post time: Aug-17-2023